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- To the one known as Andrew,
- > Hello? Hello?
- Hiya.....
- > Hey who said I was out of the GFX scene? I have only done some graphics
- > for Keith`s Castle Assault level, and I haven`t heard anything more
- > about that one?
- Really ? Right. Graphics so far are cool, but more more more !! I put
- your dragon (one angle only) and the columns in the latest demo. Dragon
- looks absolutley lovely flying across the screen. In fact, I liked it so
- much, I flew it twice. ;-)
- > Anything you want? Cartoon gfx, renders, backdrops, scenery, clouds,
- > walls anything. Just start sending the specs and I`ll start working.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Right, here we go. Graphics guys, start taking notes here...
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- I did mention a (preferably) one bitplane, (definately low bitplane) cloud
- background scene, nasty aliens, (friendly aliens ?) and any other gfx you
- come up with. Personally I like the gfx both you and schitso have done,
- and want more !! Cartoon and renders are both great, but I think I'll have
- to seperate them into (at least) two seperate level type things. As to
- colours (all of you) they will have to be reduced to 32 colours for the
- game, and any gfx done for me would be best at maximum colours (be sensible
- on cartoon mode) and at closest to the player distance.
- What objects do I want ? Well, lets see. Anything the original had is a
- good start, y'know trioptic robots with guns the size of submarines,
- mushrooms(!), dragons(!!), enemy fighters, wierd looking things with lots of
- legs (Thanks Schitso), fireballs, missiles, projectiles, plasma effects,
- explosions, columns (Thanks Andrew), strange looking plants to fly over,
- more explosions, stones, rocks, mountains ?, bizzare spinning cube things,
- multicoloured penguins, flying letters 'A', 'B', etc, colour fonts, alien
- mechanical pods that spray unfriendly death in your general direction,
- frenchmen (no offence meant), men from microsoft(offence meant), taxmen,
- people coming to retune the VCR, flying cars, spice girls & flintstones
- (kidding).
- Animations are fine, they take no more time to display but are slightly
- harder to program this end (b4 the editor is finished). If you think your
- graphic creation needs to retreat from the player, please do the gfx from
- different angles to show this !! Particularly when its easy with renders.
- Oh yeah, Andrew. Your dragon, can I please have a few more angles. I wanna
- see the back of his head and do a full flightplan for him !! It would be
- even better if he breathed fire.. (or ice, or gas..)
- Perhaps we should break the levels down into area and terrain types, maybe
- like an artic level, water(ocean), jungle, forest, plains, columns,
- city(buildings) !, swamp, beach, actual castle. Feel free to come up with
- other types of level, this includes people who aren't doing anything ! The
- more ideas the gfx guys get, the better, it seems. Giark ??
- Basically, anything graphic wise you can send (and this goes to all of you),
- preferably in sets of graphics (level oriented) I can hurl at the player. A
- city level is more than possible, but a village would be faster.. A set of
- graphics for a level is best 'cos it seperates the distinctive styles of you
- gfx guys without making it look disjointed, so the more you all come up with
- the better. Feel free to run any wierd ideas past me.
- More than 20 or 30 enemies per level would probably break the chip-mem
- limit... ;-) The current demo (3) has 12 enemies for reference.
- (including rampant amos lettering)
- Graphics can be as big as you like, but really big things slow it down a
- bit. If there are any particular flightplans your objects want to take, let
- me know. Hopefully there will be an flightplan editor soon, so we can all
- design levels !! Fun huh.
- > Seeya, (oh and remember, I`ll do any gfx)
- Cool. See above(!) (I'm not too sure about the dental hygene level
- though..)
- > BTW: Mr Giark...Are you still expecting me to do the 3d polygon fighter
- > stage? I haven`t heard anything...
- Ah... it was you was it...!
- Just a note to all, this project has been one of the most enjoyable projects
- I have ever worked on, and it's really great to see so many people pulling
- together like this. If this project suceeds for no other reason, it's the
- cooperation of amiga users and our community spirit that makes it special.
- > Cheers, Andy H.
- Cyagain.
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- |_> |_| |_| |\ | |_ | | | / | | "Hey Beavis, does this suck ?"
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- http://www.mirex.demon.co.uk